Stidjens boardgame extravaganza 2019

As the year 2019 winds to a close I can look back at a great year. I’ve played and acquired fantastic games, went to Spiel in Essen for the first time, and more and more people find their way to Stidjen Plays Solo. On the personal side, my girlfriend and me bought our first house together and we made a beautiful trip to Bali. Now is the time to look back – what were my most played games? What games do I still need to play? And what will 2020 bring? All of those questions shall be answered in my final post for 2019.

Continue reading Stidjens boardgame extravaganza 2019

Why I sold… The 7th Continent

Since I started this blog, I have played and reviewed many new-to-me games. Some I like, some I don’t. At the end of the day though, a review is just an opinion. And those can change. Some games just don’t hold up when the shine wears off. I am starting a new series where I will take a second look at games that I initially liked (loved, even) – but not anymore. Why is that? And why might someone else still enjoy that game? Read along as I tell you about my reasoning to sell… The 7th Continent.

Continue reading Why I sold… The 7th Continent

My top 10 games for 2019


You wake up and go downstairs for breakfast. You download some sandwiches, pet your electronic dog and get in your hover-car to work, reading traffic information on your glasses. At the office, the doors open as you approach – they recognise your heartbeat. You are personally greeted by the building’s operating system as it finds you a vacant spot for you to start work at your custom holographic screen. The future is now! Welcome to 2019! Continue reading My top 10 games for 2019

Preview: The 7th Continent


What goes up, must come down

The vast scale of the island eludes you – thick blankets of fog surround you and cloak you in invisible unknowing. Maybe this island is more than just an island. Maybe it’s the fabled 7th continent, the stuff of legends. You have been dying to see this place, and to experience what all the fuss is about. Literally, dying – a curse has been put upon you and time ticks away with your every action. Continue reading Preview: The 7th Continent