Days of the Siege – a solo review

“By giving too much importance to fine actions one may end by paying an indirect but powerful tribute to evil, because in so doing one implies that such fine actions are only valuable because they are rare, and that malice or indifference are far more common motives in the actions of men.”

– Albert Camus, The Plague

Continue reading Days of the Siege – a solo review

This War of Mine – a solo review

The city of Pogoren is at war, countless daily lives torn asunder just as much as buildings are. Lives end on a daily basis, every street corner potentially a future grave, every nightly venture possibly your last. You’re not a soldier – at least, you didn’t use to be – but now everyone kinda is. Teachers, TV show hosts, cooks… they are all forced to adapt (choose between bad or worse) or die. Even when you adapt, that’s no guarantee for your survival. Can you survive This War of Mine with a clear conscience?

Continue reading This War of Mine – a solo review

Stidjens boardgame extravaganza 2019

As the year 2019 winds to a close I can look back at a great year. I’ve played and acquired fantastic games, went to Spiel in Essen for the first time, and more and more people find their way to Stidjen Plays Solo. On the personal side, my girlfriend and me bought our first house together and we made a beautiful trip to Bali. Now is the time to look back – what were my most played games? What games do I still need to play? And what will 2020 bring? All of those questions shall be answered in my final post for 2019.

Continue reading Stidjens boardgame extravaganza 2019

The thing about Awaken Realms

This is a tale about the power of storytelling an narration and the desire for us human beings to be sucked in to other worlds – worlds that are eerily close to the one we know, worlds that are conceived within the limits of our imagination, and worlds that we get lost in that are far apart from what we know. This is the tale of a talented group of storytellers who are masters in their craft. Today I sing my praises to Awaken Realms.

Continue reading The thing about Awaken Realms