Earthborne Rangers – a solo review

The world as we once knew it, was destroyed, thousands of years ago. However, like the tough species we are, we survived; endured. Humans have been given a second chance on earth, one we won’t pass up. We are seizing this opportunity with both hands because it is also really the last chance to make something of our stay on earth. We are protectors, rangers – borne of earth, earthborne – and this is our final chance to find balance and harmony with and within our habitat.

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Skytear Horde – a solo review

Hordes of monsters are attacking the world of Skytear. Legendary heroes from all four realms have forged an alliance to repel the common threat. To overcome their differences, to forget past grudges; to protect their castles, and all the lands gathered behind them. It’s time to climb the barricades and face evil head-on. For Skytear; for glory!

Continue reading Skytear Horde – a solo review

Arkham Horror: the card game – a solo review

The streets of Arkham aren’t safe. It never was anyone’s first choice to take a moonlit stroll to begin with, but now the moon is shrouded in dark shadows, people shun the streets when the sun is not around. Something stirs in the shadows, in darkness so thick you’d think it palpable. People are disappearing for asking the wrong kinds of questions. All over Arkham, investigators from all walks of life are discovering the same single answer to every one of those forbidden questions: Umôrdhoth.

Continue reading Arkham Horror: the card game – a solo review